For the professional who feels exhausted or overwhelmed from taking on too much

Want to Stop Overcommitting and Stay on Top of

"all the things"?

Without feeling selfish for making your own time a priority or guilty about letting someone down

"Working with Stacey has been life-changing. I have learned a lot about myself and have become so much clearer in what I want out of life and what I need to do to show up how I want every day."


Executive Consultant

Sound familiar?

  • You’re working evenings and weekendseven though you’ve worked a full week at the office

  • You’re working evenings and weekends…even though you’ve worked a full week at the office

  • The stress and overwhelm are having a negative impact on your relationships and well-being

  • You feel exhausted without any time for yourself or to enjoy being present with your family

  • You're bogged down with too many emails and too many meetings

  • You know you're taking on too much but you don’t know any other way and genuinely want to help people (but you also know you're getting close to burning-out)

  • The stress and overwhelm having a negative impact on your relationships and well-being

  • You feel exhausted without any time for yourself or to enjoy being present with your family

  • You feel bogged down with too many emails and meetings at work

  • You feel like you're taking on too much but you don’t know any other way and genuinely want to help people (and you're getting close to burning-out)

I get it.

When my kids were younger and still in daycare, there was a young woman working who would often tell me how she thought my husband and I were the perfect "power couple". 

We’d be in our suits, smiling, strolling in together to daycare and she thought we were the perfect example of what it was like to have a successful career and family.

One day when we were picking the kids up after work, I stopped to chat with her and give her a sense of ‘real-life’. 

"Valerie, here’s what it’s really like . . . 

Today was non-stop at work, I was in meetings all day long, and I haven’t eaten lunch. I’m exhausted, yet I have a disaster of a house to clean, no supper plan and have a few hours of work still to do tonight once the kids are in bed. 

I’ve only been at daycare for five minutes, and the kids are already driving me crazy, and I yelled at them for taking too long (again). Each day feels like a blur between work and home. 

Yes, I have a great job and family, and I know I have a good life. But I also feel like I’m just barely getting by and I’m constantly worried about what other people will think if I can’t keep up with it all. Most of the time, I feel guilty that I’m letting people down and feel overwhelmed every day. 

I’m more impatient and fighting with my husband and kids than I’d like to admit. And to top it off, I have a panic attack once or twice a week trying to get the kids out the door and to work on time in the morning. 

This is what most days and weeks are like. So, I wouldn’t quite say things are perfect or a success.” 

That is a picture of what life was like back then. And that’s around the time when I started to make some pretty big changes in how I was showing up in my life.

I drastically cut the hours I was working during the most demanding time of my corporate career. It’s completely transformed my relationship with my work, with my husband and kids, and, most importantly, with myself.

To do this I had to learn how to say no to stop overcommitting and take back control of my days!

You too can learn how to say no with confidence and ease so that you can be more balanced in life, be present with your family, and perform even better. 

To have more time and energy for what really matters to YOU!

You’re not alone.

Over 43% of women leaders are burned out.

*According to the Women in the Workplace 2022 report

What if I told you there is a new way for “saying no” that you can learn in 45 minutes that could change everything for you?


  • Having more confidence on what to say no to and what to say yes to and communicating it effectively.

  • Being able to disconnect from work while feeling a sense of accomplishment, and maintaining a better work-life balance.

  • Having more time for your family … while still performing well at work.

  • Avoiding burnout, prioritizing self-care, and feeling a sense of control in your days.

  • Feeling confident as a leader by focusing on the right things at work and staying out of "the weeds".

  • Stop overcommitting yourself and being pulled in so many directions between home and work.

Working with Stacey has allowed me to learn how to prioritize my most important work, build boundaries around my workday and since working with her I’ve felt less overwhelmed and more productive in my days.




The Confident "No” Masterclass

Created for for overwhelmed professionals who want to say no with confidence and ease, and who are seeking more balance, less burnout and focus in your work and personal life.

Previously, I've shared content like this with clients and corporations who paid $4000 or more for me to work with their leaders and teams.

And now, you can access this transformational content for only $25

and go through it on your own schedule!

Say No... so you can say Yes to what matters more!

What's Inside...

The Confident "No" Masterclass

You’re already busy so we’re keeping this masterclass to less than 45 minutes giving you the straight to the point techniques you need to master the art of saying no.

Plus these bonuses...

Confident "No" Toolkit Companion Guide

Filled with actionable tools and tips you can implement right away, including an email template!

Powerful Questions For Reflection Workbook

Capture your key insights and actions as you listen to the masterclass.

Powerful questions for reflection


Mindfulness guided meditation Help Them Go Through the Day Intentionally while Honoring Your Values, Boundaries and priorities

20+ Prompts to Communicate a "No" and Maintain the Relationship

In the tool kit, you'll find 20+ one-liner prompts to confidently say no in various conversations and situations you'll encounter throughout your days.


A One Hour Group Zoom Q&A

Join Stacey live on Zoom to get support with your unique questions and learn from others questions.


A one hour group zoom Q&A for Stacey to answer your questions.

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Learn how to Confidently say no and not feel guilty about it.

So you'll get...

  • The Confident "No" 45 minute Masterclass

  • BONUS: The Confident "No" Toolkit

  • BONUS: 20+ Prompts to Communicate a No

  • BONUS: Workbook with questions for reflection

  • PLUS: A one hour group zoom Q&A with Stacey

All of this for only $25


Stacey Olson

Stacey L. Olson is a Leadership and Positive Psychology Certified Coach and has more than 15 years of corporate experience. She works with leaders and professionals at all levels, many of who struggle with the daily juggle of work, kids and rest of life -- all the things -- helping them to create more balance and less stress without sacrificing their performance. Stacey has worked with clients in companies such as Deloitte, Microsoft, Federal and Provincial Government and small business.

Stacey has also gone through her own transformational change from being close to burning out trying to juggle her own demanding corporate career and family life to now thriving (even in the messiness of everyday life) and figuring out what it really takes to have it all . . . hint, you have to stop doing it all! She used to be a "yes" person who had to learn how to say "no"!

You can lead even stronger, perform even better, and enjoy life so much more when you do!


Stacey Olson

Stacey L. Olson is a Leadership and Positive Psychology Certified Coach and has more than 15 years of corporate experience. She works with leaders and professionals at all levels, many of who have the daily juggle of work, kids and rest of life -- all the things -- helping them to create more balance and less stress without sacrificing their performance.

Stacey has also gone through her own transformational change from being close to burning out trying to juggle her own demanding corporate career and family life to now thriving (even in the messiness of everyday life) and figuring out what it really takes to have it all . . . hint, you have to stop doing it all!

You can lead even stronger, perform even better, and enjoy life so much more when you do!


"I am cultivating a new understanding of what success means to me, to ensure that I am able to deliver great job performance, but also personal balance and satisfaction."



you asked, we answer

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the masterclass?

The masterclass is a quick yet impactful 41-minute session, making it convenient for you to acquire essential skills without taking up much of your valuable time.

What will I learn from The Confident "No" Masterclass?

You will learn a new, empowering approach to saying “no” including: how to quickly gain clarity on what to say “yes” and “no” to when competing demands, simple strategies and tools to effectively communicate a no (you don’t have to actually say the word), and how to navigate the worry, guilt and objections with more ease, so that you can say yes to what matters more.

Is this suitable for anyone in any professional role?

Absolutely! The Confident "No" Masterclass is perfect for anyone in any leadership and professional positions, offering strategies to feel confident, maintain balance, and excel both professionally and personally.

Can I access the masterclass at my own pace?

Yes, once you purchase the masterclass, you'll have lifetime access to the materials, allowing you to learn and implement the techniques at your own pace and come back to it as needed.

I am far more balanced, I feel calmer, and I am way less overwhelmed in my day. This allows me to see more clearly the things that matter the most and focus my time and energy on those things, and I feel proud of myself and what I have done each day. I am not carrying things with me and am now able to enjoy my home and family time.”




I’m confident in my ability to support your journey to learning a new way to say no and want to make it as simple as possible for you to embark on this transformation. Learning to say no takes time, but IF, within the first 14 days of purchase, you don't feel like you got what you're looking for, I'll offer you a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.


You have two choices


Continue with the way things are


Take back control of your days and focus on what really matters

If you're ready to say no with more confidence and ease, do you have a well-thought-out plan for making a shift?

Join The Confident "No" Masterclass today to start taking back control of your days so you can focus on what really matters!

Let's go!

What you get:

  • The Confident "No" 45-Minute Masterclass

  • BONUS: The Confident "No" Toolkit

  • BONUS: 20+ Prompts to Communicate a No

  • BONUS: Powerful questions for reflection

  • PLUS: A one-hour group Zoom Q&A with Stacey

All of this for only $25!

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