For the woman who feels exhausted or overwhelmed from taking on too many commitments at work…

What if you could maintain a truly

balanced lifestyle

and perform better at work, while being more present with your family?"

"Working with Stacey has been life-changing. I have learned a lot about myself and have become so much clearer in what I want out of life and what I need to do to show up how I want every day."


Executive Consultant

You’re not alone.

Over 43% of women leaders are burned out.

*According to the Women in the Workplace 2022 report

What's the #1 driver of burnout? Over-commitment.

Agreeing to yet another project you don't have time to complete.

I've coached and consulted with hundreds of professionals in all different industries, specialties and management levels.

Want to know the most common question they ask me?

"How can I say no more confidently, Stacey?"

I can help.

What if I told you there is a new way for “saying no” that you can master in just 45 minutes that could change everything for you?

Sound familiar?

  • You’re still thinking about workeven though you’ve left the office hours ago.

  • You’re still thinking about workeven though you’ve left the office hours ago.

  • The stress and overwhelm are starting to have a negative impact on your relationships and well-being.

  • You feel exhausted without any time for yourself or to enjoy being present with your family.

  • You feel like you’ve “lost your edge” at work and are bogged down with too many emails and too many meetings.

  • You feel like you may be taking on too much but you don’t know any other way (and you know you're getting close to burning-out)

  • The stress and overwhelm are starting to have a negative impact on your relationships and well-being.

  • You feel exhausted without any time for yourself and unable to enjoy being present with your family.

  • You feel like you’ve “lost your edge” at work and are bogged down with too many emails and too many meetings.

  • You feel like you may be taking on too much but you don’t know any other way (and you know you're getting close to burning-out, feeling completely and utterly fried.)

You are NOT alone, and it CAN BE a simple fix.

You could start "turning your ship" as soon as tomorrow.


  • Having confidence on what to say no to without hesitation and what to say yes to and communicating it effectively.

  • Being able to disconnect from work while feeling a sense of accomplishment, and maintaining a better work-life balance.

  • Having more time for your family… while still performing well at work.

  • Avoiding burnout, prioritizing self-care, and feeling a sense of control in your days.

  • Feeling confident as a leader while focusing on the right things at work and staying out of "the weeds".

  • Stop overcommitting yourself and being pulled in so many directions between home and work.

Working with Stacey has allowed me to learn how to prioritize my most important work, build boundaries around my workday and since working with her I’ve felt less overwhelmed and more productive in my days.




The Confident "No” Formula

Created for for overwhelmed professional women who want to say no with more confidence and ease, who are seeking clarity, balance, and renewed focus in both your professional and personal life.

Previously, I've only shared this formula with corporations who paid thousands of dollars for me to come teach their leaders and teams in a group format. I've worked in companies such as Deloitte, Microsoft and within government Settings.

And now, you can access this transformational framework for only $25

and within the convenience of your own home.

Say No... so you can say Yes to what matters more!

Everything you get when you say "yes" to accessing my complete formula:

Confident "No" Complete Toolkit

This PDF Toolkit will tell you the exact words to say when you're struggling to say no.

It includes a "copy and paste" email template that you can customize (to save yourself the "overthinking" writing and rewriting that's costing you so much time and energy), and "text-able" one liners that help "no" feel like a complete sentence. This toolkit also includes a tip sheet, a one-page ‘filter’ worksheet to use to check that your choices reflect your values, boundaries and priorities, and more!

You no longer need to agree to things just because you're not clear on how to confidently

and effectively communicate that your heart says no.

The Confident "No" Masterclass

To dive deep with this formula, I've created a quick 45 minute masterclass that will provide you the straight to the point techniques you need to master the art of saying no. You can listen in while you cook dinner or go for a walk, and I guarantee you'll feel lighter and more in control afterwards.

Powerful Questions For Reflection Workbook

This companion workbook will help you capture key insights, "aha moments" and takeways during the masterclass. Your reflection on using this formula in your life will help you start to see things differently and completely transform your work/life balance as a result. Prepare to feel respected and in control!

Powerful questions for reflection


Mindfulness guided meditation Help Them Go Through the Day Intentionally while Honoring Your Values, Boundaries and priorities

20 Prompts to Communicate a "No" and Maintain the Relationship

Included in the Toolkit, you'll find these prompts to use to confidently say no in various conversations and situations you'll encounter throughout your days.


A One Hour Group Zoom Q&A

Ever wish you had someone who could help hold you accountable to what you're saying is the most important to you?

Join Stacey live on Zoom to get support with your unique questions and learn from the questions of others, too.


A one hour group zoom Q&A for Stacey to answer your questions.

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Master Saying no and not feel guilty about it.

Everything you'll get...

  • The 45 minute Confident "No" Masterclass

  • BONUS: Confident "No" Toolkit

  • BONUS: 20 Prompts to Communicate a No

  • BONUS: Powerful questions for reflection

  • PLUS: A one hour group zoom Q&A with Stacey

All of this for only $25


Stacey Olson

Stacey L. Olson is a Leadership and Positive Psychology Certified Coach and has more than 15 years of corporate experience. She works with leaders and professionals at all levels, many of who have the daily juggle of work, kids and rest of life -- all the things -- helping them to create more balance and less stress without sacrificing their performance.

Stacey has also gone through her own transformational change from being close to burning out trying to juggle her own demanding corporate career and family life to now thriving (even in the messiness of everyday life) and figuring out what it really takes to have it all . . . hint, you have to stop doing it all!

You can lead even stronger, perform even better, and enjoy life so much more when you do!


Stacey Olson

Stacey L. Olson is a Leadership and Positive Psychology Certified Coach and has more than 15 years of corporate experience. She works with leaders and professionals at all levels, many of who have the daily juggle of work, kids and rest of life -- all the things -- helping them to create more balance and less stress without sacrificing their performance.

Stacey has also gone through her own transformational change from being close to burning out trying to juggle her own demanding corporate career and family life to now thriving (even in the messiness of everyday life) and figuring out what it really takes to have it all . . . hint, you have to stop doing it all!

You can lead even stronger, perform even better, and enjoy life so much more when you do!


"I am cultivating a new understanding of what success means to me, to ensure that I am able to deliver great job performance, but also personal balance and satisfaction."



you asked, we answer

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the masterclass?

The masterclass is a quick yet impactful 41-minute session, making it convenient for you to acquire essential skills without taking up much of your valuable time.

What will I learn from The Confident "No" Masterclass?

You will learn a new, empowering approach to saying “no” including: how to quickly gain clarity on what to say “yes” and “no” to when competing demands, simple strategies and tools to effectively communicate a no (you don’t have to actually say the word), and how to navigate the worry, guilt and objections with more ease, so that you can say yes to what matters more.

Is this suitable for anyone in any professional role?

Absolutely! The Confident "No" Masterclass is perfect for anyone in any leadership and professional positions, offering strategies to feel confident, maintain balance, and excel both professionally and personally.

Can I access the masterclass at my own pace?

Yes, once you purchase the masterclass, you'll have lifetime access to the materials, allowing you to learn and implement the techniques at your own pace and come back to it as needed.

I am far more balanced, I feel calmer, and I am way less overwhelmed in my day. This allows me to see more clearly the things that matter the most and focus my time and energy on those things, and I feel proud of myself and what I have done each day. I am not carrying things with me and am now able to enjoy my home and family time.”




I’m confident in my ability to support your journey to learning a new way to say no and want to make it as simple as possible for you to embark on this transformation. Learning to say no takes time, but IF, within the first 14 days of purchase, you don't feel like you got what you're looking for, I'll offer you a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.


You have two choices


Change nothing and continue with the way things are


Take back more control of your days and focus on what really matters

If you're ready to start saying no with more confidence and ease, do you have a well-thought-out plan for making a shift?

Join The Confident "No" Masterclass today to start taking back control of your days so you can focus on what really matters!

Let's go!

What you get:

  • The 45 minute Confident "No" Masterclass

  • BONUS: Confident No Toolkit

  • BONUS: 20 Prompts to Communicate a No

  • BONUS: Powerful questions for reflection

  • PLUS: A one hour group zoom Q&A with Stacey

All of this for only $25!

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